District events

These are low-key local events that are ideal for beginners, where anyone can just turn up and run on the day. These events used to be called “color codes” which referred to a rating

Age classes

The age and gender groupings for orienteering competitions apply to badge competitions and state, national and international competitions.

What is project orientation?

Project Orienteering is an energetic and fun mix of physical activity, orienteering, and problem solving. It can be adapted for elementary school classes through adult teams.

Park and street orientation

Orienteering in the park and on the streets is a fun way to exercise your body, get fit, train your mind, and practice your orienteering skills.

Navigation in orienteering

To become an experienced navigator, you need to learn a number of basic concepts and techniques and practice these skills regularly.

Trail orienteering

Orienteering is a sport that emphasizes map reading on natural terrain. The discipline was developed to offer everyone, including people with mobility impairments

Orientation on bicycles

Orienteering on bicycles can be conducted on a variety of terrain types. The main requirement is the presence of a dense network of trails, paths and roads, which offers athletes a challenging terrain orienteering task.

Orientation on skis

Cross-country skiing is a winter sport that involves running on skis over difficult terrain. The athlete must visit the control points marked on the map in a given order.