Hi friends, my name is Joshua Hurst and I am delighted to welcome you to my blog dedicated to the exciting world of junior orienteering. As someone who is deeply passionate about the sport, I created this blog to share my experience, knowledge and inspiration with young orienteers, their parents, coaches and anyone interested in this wonderful sport.

My introduction to orienteering started back in high school. I remember the first time I took a compass and a map in my hands, trying to find my first reference point. Since then, this hobby has grown into something more – a passion that drives me forward, makes me strive for new heights and share my knowledge with others.

Preparing for competitions is not only physical training, but also the ability to properly plan a route, use a compass and map. I share my methods and tips to help young orienteers improve their skills and prepare for competitions at a high level.

Orienteering is not just running with a map and compass. It is a combination of physical activity and mental work that develops not only the body but also the mind. This sport teaches us to make quick decisions, adapt to changing conditions and never give up in the face of challenges.

I always welcome new readers and contributors to our community. Your comments, questions and success stories are what make this blog alive and useful. Join us, share your thoughts and experiences, and together we will make the world of orienteering even more fun and accessible to all.

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I hope you will find a lot of useful information and inspiration for your future achievements in orienteering. Remember that every step along the way is a step towards your success. Forward to new heights together!