The age and gender groupings for orienteering competitions apply to badge competitions and state, national and international competitions. The age is based on the participant’s age as of December 31 of the respective year.

For younger groups aged 10 to 20, classes are held at two-year intervals. W-10 or M-10 means that children up to and including the age of 10 can compete in this class. W-12 or M-12 are for children up to and including the age of 12.

In the adult age categories, the women’s and men’s 21 class covers athletes aged 21 to 34. After 35 years of age, classes are grouped in five-year age intervals, usually up to 75 years of age (or older if there are enough participants in the 80+ age group).

Within many age groups, there may also be different classes to accommodate different levels of technical skill. For example, the M-14A class is for boys up to and including the age of 14 who are able to complete the standard intermediate course, while the M-14B course is for the same age group but for those who are still in the standard easy course. . Similarly, most adult classes offer B categories for those who wish to compete at a moderate standard. Classes such as W35-44B are for female competitors between the ages of 35 and 44 and meet the medium standard.

Some state and national competitions may offer an AS (A short) class for certain age groups. These classes offer a tougher course standard by offering a shorter course than is normally expected for that age group. These classes have proven to be very popular for those participants who still want a technical challenge, but who are physically limited in how far or how fast they want to go.

For more information, contact your club’s technical representative for advice on the appropriate class you should register for these types of events.