The next step after the regional event. Regional events usually need to be entered in advance. For these events, the club secretary will send details and a registration deadline. They are different from district events in that you must run in your age class and are usually more competitive. For adult courses, you indicate L or S for long or short course respectively, and some larger events may offer a novice (N) or very short (V) course for adult beginners. Many regional events also have certain courses color coded for entry on the day (EOD).

Shortly before the event, you will be sent final information. This information will include your start time and anything else you may need to know about the day itself, such as the type of terrain you will be running on and what facilities will be available. Control descriptions for all courses may be included. Adult courses are likely to be described using the International Orienteering Federation symbols, which club members will be able to explain to you until you understand them.

Regional events are more expensive than district events, and this is because the maps are pre-marked. This means that after crossing the start line, you will pick up a sealed plastic bag with a map with the course already marked on it (some events now use pre-marked maps printed on waterproof paper, eliminating the need for a plastic bag). You will start immediately. Other than that, you will find everything very familiar if you have been to the county’s west side before. Make sure you have a whistle with you if the organizers indicate that you should, otherwise, in the interest of safety, you will not be allowed to start.

Regional events used to be called “badge events”. That’s because you can get badges for attending these events. In the results, you will find the time you had to beat to get a bronze, silver, or gold standard. If you achieve a given standard at three events within two years (in the same age group), you can get a badge from the British Orienteering Federation (BOF) for a small fee. Along with national events, the results of these events are used to compile the BOF rankings.