The Junior World Orienteering Championships (Junior VM) is a landmark event in the orienteering calendar for young people. These competitions not only test the physical fitness and technical skills of competitors, but also provide an opportunity for personal and professional development for young athletes.

Unique Challenges of Junior VM

Junior VM brings with it a number of unique challenges that participants face:

Course Complexity: Junior VM competition courses often run through a variety of landscapes including forests, mountains and urban areas. This requires athletes to be flexible and able to adapt quickly to different conditions.

Physical endurance: Long distances and difficult terrain require competitors to be physically fit and resilient.

Mental toughness: The ability to stay focused in high-pressure and stressful conditions is a key factor for success.

Lessons and values of Junior VM

Junior VM not only identifies the best of the best, but also offers valuable lessons for all participants:

Determination and Discipline: Participation in Junior VM teaches young athletes to set and achieve ambitious goals that require a high level of discipline and self-control.

Teamwork: Relay races at final junior vm emphasize the importance of teamwork and the ability to work as a team to achieve common goals.

Respect for competitors and sports ethics: Junior VM competitions teach young athletes to respect their competitors, to observe sports ethics and rules.

Contribution of Junior VM to the development of orienteering

Junior VM plays a key role in the development of junior orienteering:

Promotion of the sport among young people: Junior VM helps to increase the popularity of orienteering among young people by attracting new participants and spectators.

Development of professionalism: Competitions help young athletes to develop the professional skills necessary for a successful career in orienteering.

International cooperation: Junior VM promotes international relations and exchange of experience between orienteers from different countries.

Junior VM is not only a competition but also a platform for the growth and development of young athletes in orienteering. These competitions teach valuable lessons, stimulate personal growth and promote orienteering on the international stage. Participation in final junior vm leaves unforgettable impressions and becomes an important step on the way to achieving sporting heights.