Standard (point-to-point)

The standard format is used for most events and official competitions. Participants complete a defined course of specific control activities in a specific order. An interval start is used when each participant starts at a different time. There are several courses available, each with different difficulty and duration. The winner of a course is the person who has the fastest time on that course.

Evaluation (rogaine)

Participants visit as many checkpoints as they can, in any order, within a certain time limit. A mass start is used when all participants start at the same time. Checkpoint values are often weighted based on difficulty, and there is usually a significant penalty for exceeding the time limit. The winner is the one who scores the most points; ties are broken by faster times. A rogaine is a long (2-24 hours) scored course, often using a small scale map (up to 1:50,000).

Relay race

This is a team competition. The first competitor in the team completes their course (standard type) and marks their teammate who completes the course (standard type). A mass start is used when all runners on the first stage start at the same time. Often these courses branch off so that each participant can find their way around.

Night orienteering

Night orienteering is any of the above-mentioned sports that takes place at night.

Each participant has a headlamp to help them navigate the course. The controls are usually reflective to help the participant.

Course styles


Sprint courses are courses that are often held in urban settings (parks and college campuses) using a large-scale (1:4000) map. They emphasize fast running and decision-making.

The expected winning time is 12-18 minutes.


Intermediate courses are designed to focus on reading a technical map on detailed terrain.

The expected winning time is 30-40 minutes.


The classic course is a traditional course that combines route selection, running on the terrain and technical navigation.

Expected time to win: 30-80 minutes depending on the course level

Long course

Long distance courses emphasize route selection and cross-country running.

Estimated winning time:

30-100 minutes depending on the course level